Saturday, July 31, 2010

Miku x Teto Crayon T-shirt

    Last night I came across a craft blog and went scrolling through the tutorials on the blog and found a tutorial for making crayon T-shirts. I thought it was a cool idea so I went ahead and tried it today.

   The first thing you have to do is find a picture and print it out so you can trace it onto your shirt. After printing my Miku x Teto image, I taped it to the inside of my shirt and then taped my shirt to a window in my house that had a sufficient amount of sunlight shining through. I then traced the outline and proceeded to color the shirt. Coloring with crayons is tricky and tiring work O_O.
Picture of the shirt; pre-ironing

    After the crayon coloring was done, I took the shirt over to the ironing board, covered the picture with a blank piece of computer paper, and ironed away.
This is what remained on the paper that I used to cover the image while ironing.

   The end result is actually much nicer than I expected it to be. It has the same texture as the shirt, so it doesn't really feel like you have an image there. It's a mich nicer feeling compared to the plastic print-out iron-ons you may buy in staples, and it gives you more satisfaction to see something finished that you spent time making.

   My brother and sister also made their own shirts with a Meganium and Arcanine respectively. They finished before I did at about an hour and a half in. I think it took me about two hours to finish my shirt.
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