This Manga, Kekkaishi is about a Junior High Student called Yoshimori Sumimura, and is known as a "Kekkaishi"; Demon-Hunters that excel in creating barriers around the demons, then destroying, or capturing them. At Night, Yoshimori has to take on his task as a Kekkaishi defeat/exterminate those demons crowding around his school. During the day, he has his own demons to battle, which is his grumpy grandfather and his addiction to sweets. His neighbour, and childhood friend Tokine Yukimura, which is another practitioner of the way of the Kekkai. Their two families are battling over who are the true practitioners.
Alright, being honest here, I know myself that this summary isn't as captivating as the others, however I simply can't think of any other way to summarize it due to the spoiler issues, and I dislike spoiling other people before they even start reading/watching the manga/anime.
Anyway, forgetting that, this manga, Kekkaishi, has actually been a consistent manga all through out, where they progress in the story with the same kind of feeling all over, however when they reach to the rising action towards the climax, it is extremely interesting, to the extent that i couldn't stop reading until I finished that ark (i think it was almost 4 in the mourning =x. NOTE: Don't follow my example!) It is also very interesting due to the facts that they don't all stay the same from each battle, as in most common battle mangas, and they do not have cliche things like you would expect in a typical battle manga (ARGH I CAN'T SPOIL AGAIN!)
I personally rate this manga 9.5/10 due to the fact that if there is any romance in this, it has been quite subtle and didn't really give me the full feeling as to what I have expected from a battle manga like this. Other than the subtle romance that is in this, I definitely recommend you guys check it out, and if it weren't for the romance problem I would have probably left it as 10/10, oh well. This manga has a 51 anime series if you wanted to know, and the manga is still ongoing, and yes I am following it for those who wanted to know :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
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It sounds great. I just started Deadman Wonderland though, so ill have to wait until I catch up with that before I start this.
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