Thursday, September 9, 2010

Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt

    Honestly, when I first heard of this anime a while back, I felt a bit disgusted because of the horrible similarity to what I know as "cartoons." But after seeing this PV, it seems like I was mistaken. The art is actually kinda refeshing. Obviously, I wouldn't want all anime to look like this, because I'm used to what we have now, and I hate change, but... that's another post.

    Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt seems to be a cross between Powerpuff girls, Invader Zim, and a certain amount of ecchiness; all of which are okay in my book. Take a look at the PV.


atvrcr said...

This show has always interested me since I first read about it. Tonde should pick it up xD

Onion said...

! Great idea there. But I doubt we'll be needed xD. It'll be picked up like crazy.

Pandadice said...

Honestly I love the fact that they're embracing a more "western" animated look. I think it's awesome that this anime looks just like Puffy Amiyumi. Cause it gives me a super easy counter to those nerds who argue "anime" is a visual style and not just limited to cartoons from Japan. Finally I have a quick go-to title to counter the Avatar: The Last Airbender fans who say heavy "anime" influence equates something to actually being an "anime."

But getting beyond that, it's being directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi, who directed Dead Leaves (Which doesn't exactly look anything like a conventional anime) and TTGL. I think that knowing he's behind this makes me confident in checking this out. It's not just some cheaply-animated-looking western-influenced cartoon; it's the new Imaishi title.

I am far from an "anime fan" who hears the name Gainax and gets interested (Actually, the other day someone told me a title was Gainax, so therefore worth watching). So honestly the news of "the new Gainax project" wasn't all that interesting to me. However, when the title is something as blunt as Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, it's just too ridiculous not to be of immediate interest.

I haven't actually been actively keeping up with any of the seasonal titles lately, (I have been downloading recent tiles though when they've finished airing) so honestly I can't really say whether or not I'm going to watch this as it airs. Not to mention I haven't exactly been watching much anime in general these days... But regardless of fan reactions, I do intend to check out this series when it's finished airing.

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