Saturday, August 7, 2010

Filler Post Round 2

Yes yes, I've been missing. Sue me?

Anyways, I am sure you are wondering why the heck I have been missing for a lil while. Well lately I have been extremely busy with crap out in the real world. Very scary indeed.  Ever since I got  back from my trip to Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska I've had an extremely busy schedule. Entertaining people, going out to do things, it's all a pain in the ass. Even earlier I got another text from people asking to come over...blah just let me have a day to my self. Let's see what else, I was at the liquor store today and picking up some stuff for a party, the girl who works there isn't from here and doesn't speak fluid english. She was checking my ID and she said "89, Yuu turn 21 dis year." And she was trying to say congradulations but it was more She asked me how to say the word (it was so awesome cuz engrish can be sexy) so I taught her how to say it, and as I was walking out I could here her practicing xD

Anyways besides me being so blah lately, I DO infact have some stuff to post, it's more of a matter of me not being lazy. So look forward to 2 game reviews, and 2 dub reviews. I would talk about other stuff but there has been a lack of stuff going on that is interesting enough to post, unless you wanna hear me ramble on about stuff I've done (which doesn't sound amazingly amusing tbh). Oh and I'll be busy Thursday as well, gotta bday party to go to and it is going to be one hell of a party!

Oh one last thing, I need to put my new tv in my room, it's still rotting.

For those of you who are lazy here is the tl;dr version: 
Busy, I have a real life too, parties, bday party thursday, still haven't put my new tv in my room, I've ignored you lately, going to post more stuff soon.


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