Friday, April 9, 2010


Ok... so as most of you know the new Firmware downgrade 3.21 for the PS3 just released last week, and if it didn't make you mad, then you don't see the big picture. What Firmware 3.21 did was take away the Other OS feature in the PS3 Fats.

I know most of you are thinking, "Oh well, I never used it anyway," but what this means is that if Sony decides they don't want to continue support for a feature then, poof, guess what you won't have it. What if Sony took out support for Bluetooth? No more online Game chat. What about Backward's compatibility? Would you be a little mad then.

Me personally, I used the Other OS option and decided to install Yellow Dog Linux 6.2. It was a godsend for me as I don't have a computer. Now Sony wanta me to just give up that option because of the actions of one man. Give me a break. They are just testing the waters to see how you will react. Don't be fooled and don't give in to Sony.


atvrcr said...

Unfortunately I think it's in the ToC that they can take whatever they want out of system at any time -.-

They have already taken out BC along time ago.
But I think Sony is smart enough not to remove something that is TOO important, since they don't want to lose many people. I think they didn't care about losing the OS people since it probably makes up a small percentage of the people on the system. But I do see where you are coming from.

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